The Palestine Question in Maps, 1878-2002

Including over 50 color maps, this publication provides a guide to the Palestine Question from the Ottoman period through to 2002, shedding light on the real territorial dimen¬sions of the conflict, its causes, and the numerous schemes posited over time for its reso¬lution. A first series of maps follows the path of modern Palestinian history in chronologi¬cal order, focusing on key de¬mographic themes and political milestones, as well as identi¬fying the various proposals posited for the resolu¬tion of the Palestine Question (Chapters 1-3). Jerusalem itself is of such intrinsic importance to Palestin¬ian history and to the resolution of the Palestine-Israel conflict, that a separate section is devoted, in detail, to its changing circumstances (Chapter 4). Core issues, such as water and refugees, are also addressed in a separate chapter (Chapter 5). The text accompanying the maps presents a concise and clear overview of the historical, political and socio-economic circumstances providing the back¬drop for the individual maps and illustrating their place within the broader frame of Palestinian history. Complete with statistics, detailed references and notes, the text serves to illuminate the factors defining the territorial dimensions portrayed within the maps.

Aug. 1, 2002

List of Abbreviations




Chapter One

1878-1948 (Maps 1-15)

Map 1 - Ottoman Palestine, 1878
Map 2 - Arab Towns and Jewish Settlements In Palestine, 1881-1914
Map 3 - The Sykes-Picot Agreement, 1916
Map 4 - The Beginning of the British Mandate, 1920
Map 5 - Palestine Under the British Mandate
Map 6 - The Demography of Palestine, 1931
Map 7 - The Peel Commission Partition Proposal, 1937
Map 8 - The Woodhead Commission Partition Proposals, 1938
Map 9 - Palestinian and Zionist Landownership by Sub-District, 1945
Map 10 - The Morrison-Grady Partitioned Trusteeship Plan, 1946
Map 11 - Population of Palestine by Sub-District, 1946
Map 12 - The UNGA Partition Plan, 1947 - the 1948 War & the 1949 Armistice Lines
Map 13 - Land Ownership in Palestine, 1948
Map 14 - Population Movements, 1948-1951
Map 15 - Land Ownership in Palestine and the UN Partition Plan - Palestinian Depopulated and Destroyed Villages, 1948-1949
Notes to Chapter One


Chapter Two

1949-1991 (Maps 16-26)

Map 16 - The Suez War, 1956
Map 17 - The Palestinian Diaspora, 1958
Map 18 - The Near East After the June 1967 War
Map 19 - The Allon Plan, June 1967
Map 20 - The PLO, 1965 -1971
Map 21 - The October War, 1973
Map 22 - The Palestinians Inside Israel, 1977
Map 23 - The Camp David Accords, 1978-1979
Map 24 - Israeli Settlement Master Plans, 1976-1991
Map 25 - Lebanon, 1982
Map 26 - The 1991 Madrid Peace Conference & Israeli Settlements
Notes to Chapter Two


Chapter Three

1993-2002 (Maps 27-37)

Map 27 - Gaza-Jericho (Oslo I) Agreement, 4 May 1994, Cairo
Map 28 - Interim (Oslo II) Agreement, 28 September 1995, Taba
Map 29 - Hebron Protocol, 15 January 1997
Map 30 - Wye River Memorandum, 23 October 1998
Map 31 - Sharm Esh-Sheikh Agreement, 4 September 1999
GRAPH - Overview of the Oslo Process
Map 32 - Gaza, 2000
Map 33 - West Bank and Gaza Strip, March 2000
Map 34 - Camp David Projection, July 2000
Map 35 - Taba Talks Projection, January 2001
Map 36 - The Sharon Proposal, Spring 2001
Map 37 -The Reinvasion of the Palestinian Territories, 2001-2002
Notes to Chapter Three


Chapter Four

Jerusalem (Maps 38-48)

Map 38 - The Old City, 1944 & 1966
Map 39 - Jerusalem and the Corpus Separatum Proposed in 1947
Map 40 - Partitioned Jerusalem, 1948-1967
Map 41 - The Kendall Town Scheme, 1966
Map 42 - Jerusalem After the 1967 War
Map 43 - Israeli Settlements and Palestinian Neighborhoods in East Jerusalem, 2000
Map 44 - The E1 Development Plan, March 1997
Map 45 - Palestinian and Israeli Neighborhoods in Metropolitan Jerusalem, 2000
Map 46 - Arab East Jerusalem within 'Greater' Jerusalem, 2000
Map 47 - Projection of the Israeli Proposal for Jerusalem's Final Status at Camp David, July 2000
Map 48 - The Old City of Jerusalem, 2001
Notes to Chapter Four


Chapter Five

Special Issues (Maps 49-53)

Map 49 - Surface Water
Map 50 - Groundwater
Map 51 - Palestinian Refugees, 2001
Map 52 - Municipal Boundaries of Jerusalem, 1947-2000
Map 53 - Administrative Boundaries
Notes to Chapter Five


Chapter Six

(Maps 64-72)

Map 64- Administrative Boundaries
Map 65- Surface Water
Map 66- Ground Water
Map 67- Palestinian Refugees
Map 68- Hebron
Map 69- Israeli Annexation of the Jordan Valley
Map 70- Area C
Map 71- The Global BDS Movement
Map 72- Palestinian Statehood
Notes to Chapter Six



