Palestinian Security Sector Governance - Challenges and Prospects
This publications contains the proceedings of a workshop on “Security Sector Reform in the Palestinian Territories: Challenges and Prospects,” which PASSIA hosted jointly with the Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) in July 2005. The workshop brought together over 60 Palestinian security practitioners, politicians, aca¬demics and representatives of civil society to discuss the challenges of Palestinian security governance and the prospects for Security Sector Reform. The book includes a comprehensive summary report of the workshop as well as three papers on security policy, reform and governance that were presented at the workshop.
Security Sector Reform in the Palestinian Territories: Challenges and Prospects
Workshop Summary Report
The Challenge of Developing and Implementing a Palestinian Security Policy
Mamduh Nofal
Challenges to Security Sector Reform – Legal Framework and Organizational Structures
Basil Jaber