Meetings & Workshops


Regional Developments and Their Implications for Palestine

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Legacy Hotel, Jerusalem.
Speakers: Diana Buttu, Palestinian lawyer, writer and analyst.
Participants: .
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The European Stance Towards Recent Developments in Palestine and Israel

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Speakers: Dr. Muriel Asseburg, Senior Fellow, Africa and Middle East Research Division, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin, the German Institute for International and Security Affairs.
Participants: Dr. Hani Abdeen, Professor at Al-Quds University, former PA Health Minister; Jamal Al-Aref, Consultant; Khaled Khatib, Director, Palestinian Heritage Museum, Hind Husseini Foundation (Dar Al-Tifel Al-Arabi), Jerusalem; Hannes Alpen, Director, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Jerusalem; Islam Abdul Jabbar, Program Manager, FES; Deniz Altayli, Program Director, PASSIA; Adnan Joulani, Executive Director, PASSIA; Lauren Draper, Intern, PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA
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  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Hans Henrik Fafner, Journalist; Angela Godfrey-Goldstein, Director, Jahalin Solidarity; Students: Victor Nyland; Louise Berg Lund; Signe Bro; Matilde de Bcer; Maya Øbakke; Bjork Aurora; Agnete Ølgaard; Matilda Tindø; Josephine Rasmussen; Rasmus Troldbors; Rasmus Weile; Kristine Gregersen; Magnos Dela; Freja Mehlsen; Iben Marie Yyberg; Emilie Sophie Thorsen; Amanda Widmer; Isabell Søresen; Astrid Raunkjor;Karoline Praestholm; PASSIA: Alexandre Miliani, Intern; Ines Amarnath, Intern.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

South Africa's Experience of Conflict Resolution and Negotiating an End to Apartheid: Sharing Insights for the Palestinian Case

  • Organizer: PASSIA-Forward Thinking.
  • Location: Legacy Hotel, Jerusalem.
Speakers: Mohammed Bhabha, Qualified Attorney and Experienced Negotiator, former Member of the South African Parliament; Roelf Meyer, Lawyer, former Member of the South African Parliament, former State President, and Chief Negotiator for the National Party Government.
Participants: Georgi Milenov, Head, Representative Office of the Republic of Bulgaria; Semra Demirer, Deputy Consul General of Turkey; John W. Robbins, Political Officer, Palestinian Affairs Unit, US Embassy, Jerusalem: Paloma Serra, Deputy Consul General, Spanish Consulate General; Linnea Wesslén, Vice Consul, Consulate General of Sweden; Julio Escobedo, Representative Office of Mexico; Julian Arellano Riviere, Intern, Consulate General of Belgium; Michelle Hansen, Intern, Danish Representative Office; Victor Hansen, Intern, Representative Office of Denmark; Rosalia Bollen, Special Assistant for Political Affairs, UNSCO; Dr. Helga Baumgarten, Professor, Birzeit University; Eveline Muhareb, Project Coordinator, DAAD; Joan & James Alty, Representatives for Jordan, Palestine and Israel Mennonite Central Committee; Leonarda Pfaus, Intern, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES); Virginia Grossi, PhD Student; Constance Mouille, Student; Nina Magenties, Student; Roesch Matheo, Student; Michael Atzwanger, Volunteer; Rafael Mohr, Volunteer; Charlie Hierons,Consultant, Dialogue Advisory Group; Tommaso Toutanesi; Ein Arik Latin Monastery; Mathios Kallouma; Mathieu Totilo; Linda Kateeb; Don Wagner, Friends of Sabeel, North America; Mike Mineter, Iona Community, Scotland; Steve France, Mondoweiss Blog, affiliated with the Episcopal Peace Fellowship Palestine-Israel Network, Washington DC; Lynn Fitzgerald; Karen Anderson; Silvia Giuliano; Roelf Meyer; Alexus Lentz; Dr. Munir Nuseibah, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, Al-Quds University, Director, Al-Quds Human Rights Clinic and Community Action Center; Prof. Khuloud Khayyat Dajani, Al-Quds University; Khalil Abu Khadija, Researcher, Grassroots Al-Quds; Samer Sharif, Director, Grassroots Al-Quds; Wafa Dajani, Consultant, Women's Study Center; Fadwa Khawaja, Chairwoman, Jerusalem Center for Women (via Zoom); Adv. Nabil Izhiman, Lawyer; Adv. Moazaz El-Hussainy, Lawyer; Dr. Sari Nusseibeh; Jamal Al-Aref, Consultant; Mohammad Hadieh, Executive Director, ACT for Alternative Dispute Resolution and Studies; Dana Nuseibeh, Lecturer; Nora Kort; Fatmeh Hammad, Human Rights Defender & Recipient of the Folke Bernadotte Academy Scholarship on Women Peace and Security; Ibrahim Matar, Palestinian Economist and Researcher; Mohammad Siam, MA in International Law; Muneeb Sada; Suhaib Sharabati, Head, Media and Public Relations Department, Jerusalem Governorate; Hussam Mousa, Tour Guide; Haifa Siyam, Translator; Forward Thinking, UK: Oliver McTernan, Director (Via Zoom); Harry Higginson, Projects Officer; Jordan Morgan, UK Programme Director; Nicolaus Limbourg, Middle East Programme Officer (via Zoom); PASSIA: Deniz Altayli, Program Director, PASSIA; Adnan Joulani, Imad Farrah; Omar Farrah; Alexandre Miliani, Intern; Ines Amarnath, Intern; Hind Husseini.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Current Situation of the Palestinian Cause and the Role of Christians in Palestine

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Ein Arik Latin Monastery: Ignazio De Francesco, Monk & Researcher; M. Caterine Pew; Alessandro Barchi; Ada Nava; Hilene Vittoni; Carla Copperlloti; Tommaso Toutanesi; Giorgio Jaracchi; Masi Claudio.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Jerusalem - The Situation on the Ground

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: American Colony Hotel, Jerusalem.
Participants: Delegation Visit of Social Democratic Party (SPD) Members of the German Bundestag: Gabriela Heinrich, Deputy Chairwoman of the SPD Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag, Alternate Member of the Economic Cooperation and Development Parliamentary Committee, Alternate Member of the Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid Parliamentary Committee, Deputy member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; Dr. Nils Schmid, Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs of SPD Parliamentary Group, Member of the Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs, Member of the Parliamentary Committee for Transportation and Digital Infrastructure; Sanae Abdi, Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development, Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Climate Change and Energy, Alternate member of the Parliamentary Committee for Building, Regional Planning, and Urban Development; Accompanied by: Dirk Sawitzky, Political Advisor of the SPD Parliamentary Group of the German Bundestag; Dr. Konstantin Witschel, Political Advisor for Israel/Palestine of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Palestine: Hannes Alpen, Director; Nidal Alayasa, Program Manager; Rasmus Brandt, Program Manager.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

OP PROTEUS Annual Mess Dinner

  • Organizer: OP PROTEUS, Canadian Armed Forces.
  • Location: Legacy Hotel, Jerusalem.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Annual Mission of the International Labor Organization's (ILO) Delegation to the oPT

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Frank Hagemann, ILO Deputy Regional Director for the Arab States, Beirut; Steven Kapsos, Head, Data Production and Analysis Unit, Department of Statistics, ILO, Geneva; Katerine Landuyt, ILO, Geneva; Mounir Kleibo, Representative, ILO Jerusalem; Konstantinos Papadakis, Senior Dialogue and Governance Specialist, Governance and Tripartism Department, Geneva; Rasha El-Shurafa, Programme Officer, ILO Jerusalem.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Interfaith Dialogue

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: Working Dinner at the Residence of the EU Representative, Jerusalem.
Participants: Ján Figeľ, Special Envoy for Promotion of Freedom of Religion outside the EU; Ralph Tarraf, European Union Representative, Jerusalem; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Chairman of PASSIA; Prof. Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Integral Chair for the Study of Imam Al-Ghazali's Work at the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Quds University; Dr. Bernard Sabella, Sociologist, Executive Director of Middle East Council of Churches/Department of Services to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR); Nora Carmi, Retired, Community Building; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

FES-PASSIA Annual Cooperation 2019

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: FES, Jerusalem: Christoph Klement, Project Manager; Miriam Foerstle, Junior Guest Researcher; Deniz Altayli, Program Director, PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Jerusalem in the History of the Palestinian Cause and in Palestine's Diplomatic Relations and the Increasing Israeli Settler Presence in the City

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: University of Cambridge Students: Jay Mens; Frida Winzell; Hani El-Bay; Naman Habtom; Barry Colfer; Ishaan Bhardwaj; Sudipta Purkayastha; Daniela Bosnjak; Micayla Colman; Kate Sligo; Olivia Grace Cowgill; Isuru Devendra; Theo Demotele.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Working Dinner on the Occasion of Visitors from the European Commission.

  • Organizer: Residence of the EU Representative, Jerusalem.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Christian Danielsson, Director General in DG for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, European Commission, and Michael Miller, Head of Unit, Middle East in DG Neighbourhood South, European Commission; Ralph Tarraf, EU Representative, Jerusalem; Alessandra Viezzer, Head of Cooperation, EU Representative Office, Jerusalem; Dr. Nasser Qudwa, Chairperson, Yasser Arafat Foundation; Dr. Mohammed Shtayyeh, Head, PECDAR, Ramallah; Diana Buttu, Private Attorney and Consultant, Haifa/Jerusalem; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

Working Dinner for the Visiting Minister President of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels.

  • Organizer: Consulate General of Belgium..
  • Location: Residence of the Belgian Consul General, Jerusalem.
Participants: Rudy Demotte, Minister President of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, Belgium; Belgian Diplomats; Palestinian Civil Society Members; Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Strategic Leadership Course of the Austrian Government

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Dr. Andrea Nasi, Austrian Representative; Strategic Leadership Course of the Austrian Government: Michaela Amschl; Walter Auer; Philipp Bodzenta; Karl-Heinz Bohl; Wolfgang Bont; Bernhard Collini-Nocker; Renate Dopplinger; Josef Eltantawi; Peter Engert; Johann Essl; Norbert Frischauf; Norbert Griesmayr; Gottfried Haber; Michaela Huber; Philipp Ita; Andreas Januskovecz; Sandra Kick; Kurt Koleznik; Margaretha Kopeinig; Peter Koren; Franz Kueberl; Brigitte Mang; Julius Marhold; Arthur Maurer; Felix Montecuccoli; Peter Newole; Sigrid Oblak; Thomas Possert; Michaela Reitterer; Thomas Rochowansky; Angelika Schaetz; Ronald Schranz; Gregor Schuetze; Peter Skiczuk; Martin Stift; Albert Stoeger; Sabine Strasser; Thomas Von Der Gathen; Siegfried Voessner; Siegfried Walch; Brigitte Wolf.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA

The Palestine Question

  • Organizer: PASSIA.
  • Location: PASSIA, Jerusalem.
Participants: Delegation of 23 Members of the 16 Air Assault Brigade,Colchester, UK.
All Meetings & Workshops were attended by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi, Head of PASSIA