The Foreign Policies of Arab States

The Foreign Policies of Arab States was the subject addressed in PASSIA's 1996 seminar on Training and Education in International Affairs. The seminar aimed at providing Palestinian graduates with the ability to understand and analyze the process of foreign policy formulation in general and to examine the actual policy positions of leading Arab states with roles to play in the Middle East peace process. The report contains the proceedings of the seminar including summaries of all lectures and discussions. The appendices document the course material, assignments and notes on the visiting lecturers and participants.

April 1, 1997

Part One: Lectures and Discussions

Opening Remarks and Introduction by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi

The State in the International System - Alternative Theoretical Frameworks
by Dr. Rosemary Hollis

The Arab States in the Regional and International System:

I. Foundations of the Arab System
by Dr. Bahgat Korany

Decision-Making Theory: Three Approaches
by Dr. Rosemary Hollis

The Arab States in the Regional and International System:
II. Rise of New Governing Elite and the Militarization of the Political System (Evolution)
by Dr. Bahgat Korany

The Arab States in the Regional and International System:

III. Foreign Policy Decision-Making: An Academic View
by Dr. Bahgat Korany

The Second Track - The Multilateral Talks in the Middle East Peace Process
by Dr. Joel Peters

The Arab League and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi

Egypt’s Regional Role and Foreign Policy Imperatives
by HE Ahmad Kamal

Syria: National Security and State-Building
by Dr. Volker Perthes

Discussion: The Arab States, the Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Peace Process: Some Comparisons and Contrasts

Syrian Interests and Role in Lebanon
by Dr. Volker Perthes

The Maghreb States: Foreign Policy Priorities
by Dr. Claire Spencer

The Maghreb States, the Arab Israeli Conflict and the Peace Process
by Dr. Claire Spencer

The Arab States and Jerusalem
by Mr. Faisal Husseini

External Powers and the Arab States: Positions on the Arab-Israeli Conflict (I):
The American Approach to the Palestine Problem and the Middle East
by HE Edward Abington

External Powers and the Arab States: Positions on the Arab-Israeli Conflict (II):
The European Approach to the Palestine Problem and the Middle East
by HE Richard Dalton

Exercise: Lobbying the External Powers
with Dr. Rosemary Hollis

Resources Scarcity as the New Regional Imperative
by Dr. Rosemary Hollis

War and Its Impact on Foreign Policy
by Dr. Yezid Sayigh

A Palestinian-Israeli encounter on Prospects for Peace in the Middle East
by HE Afif Safieh, PLO Representative to the UK and to the Vatican, and Yael Dayan, Member of Knesset

The Evolution of Palestine
by Dr. Mahdi Abdul Hadi

The Foreign Policy of the PLO
by Dr. Yezid Sayigh

Jordanian Foreign Policy
by Dr. Yezid Sayigh

Political Islam in the Arab World
by Sheikh Jamil Hamami

Foreign Policy Imperatives of Saudi Arabia
by Dr. Rosemary Hollis

Exercise: Responding to Regional Crisis and Policy Makers for the Arab States
with Dr. Rosemary Hollis

Policy Imperatives for Palestine - View from the PNA
by Dr. Sami Musallam

Lebanon’s Place in the Region
by Dr. Basma Kodmani-Darwish

Part Two: Country Profiles

Browse "CIA World Factbook" by Country:


Lecture Program
Palestinian Participants
Reading Material